Self defence demo for the Guides March 10th 2016

Aimee and I did a demo for the guides in Debenham, at the Sir Robert Hitcham Primary School with around 40 guides.
This  involved us demoing self defence as part of ‘The suffragettes’ and ‘The Centenary Year of Senior Section Guides.’ An event they are running with some other participants.

We started with Aimee basically beating the hell out of me on the world’s thinnest mats which all the ladies and girls found amusing.

Then we moved on to a selection of practical self defence concepts.

It was a wonderful evening and there will hopefully be a write up and pictures coming soon from them.

We did though get these badges and here is something they said via email.

‘Hi Scott and Aimee,

Just got a chance to get to the computer to say a really big Thank-you to you both for an excellent night, you were both such professionals yet so accommodating to the whole group and again sorry that I hadn’t got hold of adequate cushioning on those falls! I hope you don’t hurt from it.

The girls ages varied alot and they all very much enjoyed having a go at some of the moves. I think it will stay with them and they have gained some confidence to deal with any situations that could come up in life.

Once again, Thank You! And many thanks to your babysitter, who made it possible for your visit!

Best wishes,

