Ettiquette During Training

Safety and discipline is paramount when practicing Jindokai. Below are is a guide to basic training etiquette we expect all participants to follow in order to make the most of our classes, as well as ensure that risk of injury is minimal.


  1. Upon joining the class you will be asked to complete an insurance form. You will also need to inform us of any injuries, illnesses you may have and any medication that you may be taking.
  2. Don’t forget to keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
  3. In the unlikely event of an injury, please report it to the instructors immediately so that it can be treated and entered in the accident book.
  4. Jewellery, watches, rings etc must be removed before participating in the class to prevent the likelihood of injury.
  5. Any person found to be under the influence of alcohol or un-prescribed drugs will be removed from the class immediately.
  6. We want you to enjoy the martial arts class, but we do need you to be responsible. Please restrict the urge to engage in unnecessary horseplay during the sessions to avoid injury to yourself and others.
  7. Please switch your mobile phone off when entering the class as we want to avoid distractions.
  8. If you ever need to leave a class early, let the instructor know beforehand.
  9. Check that your fingernails and toenails are cut and clean before training.
  10. Do not eat or drink too much before the training.
  11. Although we want you to work hard, do not over exert yourself to the stage of exhaustion as this will make you more prone to injury.
  12. Do not practise any form of Kumite (sparring) without the permission of the instructor in charge.
  13. Please wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing and appropriate footwear to classes.

Our advice is in place to ensure you get the most out of your class whether you’re a novice or training for your Shodan belt in Jindokai.


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